Process #8: Extraordinary Results through Ordinary People.
The achievement of our goal, to become “TRPOC,” in the communities we serve will require full team engagement. The development of a high performance team will foster extraordinary results accomplished with ordinary people. In no way am I diminishing individual capabilities, what I am saying is that when a group of people come together completely aware of their goals and expectations, working together they will achieve results unattainable as individuals.
When we all know what the expected outcome is we can all work towards agreed upon solutions to accomplish our objectives. In this environment personal responsibility is acknowledged and team members are held accountable to that outcome.
Mandatory team meetings need to be held weekly where team members can celebrate wins discuss issues and continually work on their objectives. Objectives will be set quarterly and monthly and during these meetings the team members can discuss agreed upon commitments, recognize success, and develop strategies to continually strive to accomplish the facility objectives. This will be an open environment that allows all too freely give input and ideas that the group can discuss and develop.
In becoming, “TCPOC,” there are no definitive answers only options and decisions made along the road to success to help us get closer to our ultimate objective. This is not a stagnate process as we get better so does the competition, change will be constant and needs to be accepted and welcomed.
Our Process
- We must take advantage of all resources we have available to us, the entire facility staff, vendors and anyone or thing that can assist us in our objective.
- Seek advice and assistance from teammates, vendors, account reps, internet, trade journals or anyone or anything that adds information that can be used in the development of solutions for our success.
- Hold weekly scheduled team meetings to establish the goals objectives of the facility measure performance and check benchmarks.
- Create the meeting agenda according to the facility guidelines that they have established.
- Start your meetings with something that will fully engage the entire team.
- Establish the purpose of the meeting and celebrate you success throughout the previous week, discuss your present position and opportunities, they may need adjustments. Engage the team for suggestions and ideas; you will be amazed where this idea’s actually come form!! Thank people for their involvement and as a team make decisions about the week ahead.
- Review your sales goals, and to date sales, are we on track? What adjustments can we do?
- What is our safety record (Do we have a safety plan of action) objective is 0 incidents. What went right last week and what can we do this week to improve?
- Refer to our facility manual for discussion areas of opportunities; adjust any issues to align with our facility manuals.
- Working together come up with solutions that we all agree on to move us forward in the next week. Document the commitments that teammates have agreed upon to achieve our success this week.
- Acknowledge teammates who have demonstrated exceptional attitudes, show a strong focus on the objectives and have been doing things right throughout the week. Catching people doing things right and complimenting those in front of their piers go miles in boosting morale. You choose to be positive and avoid negatively. People will want to be recognized, it becomes contagious!!!!
- Discuss your meeting with fellow managers and work together to make it better and better.
- You must evaluate your facility daily. Recognize logjams and discuss desired outcomes. Work with your team members for solutions to be implemented, identify successes and improvements and reward team accomplishments.
- Resolve logjams by looking at space, staffing, equipment, and coordinate with your team to overcome these issues.
- Cross training in house is critical along with vendor training, OEM training in order to maintain our technical intellectual properties.
- Cross train all employees where it makes since. This will be valuable in your ability to be nimble and proactive preparing the facility for opportunities as they arise.
- Cross train SA on multiple DRP programs. We do not want a program shutdown when someone goes on vacation.
- Cross train additional internal positions, paint, prep, parts, production etc.
- Arrange vendor training for new hires prior to them needing training, be proactive with your people.
- Share your facility results with teammates. You cannot expect them to help change things if they do not know how things are measured. Discuss opportunities in margins, overhead, warranty and rental cost.
- Monday meetings need to include sales position to goals, talk about your sales mix and margin. Repair versus replace will work to improve margins.
- Review, labor, parts, sublet, material, misc., and sublet margins percentages and GP. Discuss areas of opportunity.
- Additional drill down to individual results would be very informative. You may have two SA doing exceptional but because of one SA they all are being pulled down. You need to know who your good writers are and who is pulling your team down. These will be the people you work with first.
- Insure that you have a safety program in place and utilize your weekly meeting to review safety issues and accountability.
- Have a weekly safety topic and insure that it is discussed that week.
- Discuss any unsafe work conditions and immediately resolve those issues.
- Any safety incidents need to be reported appropriately. All safety incidents should be completely evaluates, what went wrong, what are the issues. This needs to be brought to the attention of your teams so they can avoid similar incidents.
How do we measure success?
- Monthly revenues at or above goals.
- GP at or above goal for month.
- P&L discussed and show reduction in overhead and policy adjustments.
- Facility metrics at or above agreed levels.
- Zero safety incidents.